Thrill the World - Melbourne 2011
This year we will be participating in Thrill the World, the annual worldwide simultaneous dance of Michael Jackson’s “Thriller.”
Last year in Melbourne 127 zombies danced the Thriller simultaneously with zombies in 30 other countries, we were covered on the TV news of every single channel, and we raised $1000 for Lifeline, who help people in crisis every minute of every day.
Thrill the World is about thousands of people around the world dancing together in the name of making a difference and honouring a great artist. Thrill the World is not only fun (who wouldn't want to learn the Thriller dance?) it's about honouring Michael Jackson as an artist and recognising his incredible philanthropic achievements. Thrill the World events raise funds for charities all over the world. In addition we compete to break a world record.
So many reasons to join us this year. Sha-mon, you know it!
Anna will be teaching a segment of Thriller each week as part of her regular class schedule (see classes page above), and will also be adding a special Thriller only class for those who have never done the dance before.
The special Thriller class will be every Thursday in October (starting Oct 6th) at 8pm, at
Victoria Hotel
380 Victoria Street, Brunswick,
Thriller class costs $5, profits will be donated to our charity.
The Melbourne event will run on Sunday October 30th 2011 at 1pm, use the sign up form below to join the TTW Melbourne 2011 mailing list so you can register to dance, and find out more about this incredible event.
To find out more about TTW, view the instructional videos or watch other TTW events, visit this link
For more information about the Melbourne event email
the World was created by Ines Markeljevic, Presented by