Anna's Go-Go Academy

What are people saying about Anna's Go-Go Academy?


"“In the unlikely event that I became a mental health professional, I would advise all my clients sign up with Anna's Go-Go Academy if they felt down in the dumps. Screw Xanax and lobotomies - I am quite serious about this!" Read the full review here


"Two left feet? Relax. Nobody cares as long as you give it a red-hot crack – which is a major part of these classes’ unpretentious charm. Young, old, female, male, straight, gay, hipster, square – they’ll all be there alongside you, shaking it like the proverbial Polaroid picture." Hide and Seek Melbourne, read the full review here


Anna's classes are included on the Time Out Melbourne Bucket List: 101 things to do before you die, check the list here, or you can also read this Time Out Melbourne feature


Love your work, get paid to play - Sunday Life magazine. "Anna Achia didn't set out to be a successful public servant... Achia's day job began to squeeze out the work she cared about. Then, one morning in 2003, following a Prince concert, she snapped." Read the full article here


Anna’s classes were reviewed in The Sunday Age M magazine, read the full article here


So you think you can dance with a wobbly bottom? An article on Anna's Go-Go Academy published in The Age newspaper. Full story here


Anna and her students Helen and Tracey were interviewed for the ABC TV program The Insiders, their comments on federal politics earned them this article in the Australia, Anna also got to say the word ‘frontbum’ on national TV... Full article here


Anna's Go-Go Academy was reviewed by Melbourne Stage Online. Read the full review here


Anna's Go-Go was also featured in an article in The Age newspaper featuring Maryanne, one of Anna's students - check her out! Full article here



“Everyone adored dancing to your brilliant instructions - guests were raving about how much fun they had (including me). We all think you are a genius.” - J W


“I just wanted to say thanks so much for Saturday. The go-go dancing was a total hit with everyone. I think it was the highlight of the night and it really got everyone in a good mood. No doubt, we'll all be doing a bit of pony action at the wedding!” – JK


“Your class was the talk of the conference! Thank you.” - M


“I came along last night for a spot of go-go and I can’t tell you how fabulous it was.  I’m visiting from Sydney and it was such a treat I can’t stop telling everyone about it.  …Once was just not enough… I need to continue!” - MT


“Go-go is the BEST part of my week (you are a legend)!!” - HL


“Thanks for your fabulous and entertaining energy in classes. You rock!” - J


“Anna you are the best go-go dance teacher ever!” - KM


"It's like going to church with a brilliant teacher each week. The classes are so inspiring. It makes you want to get out there and practise every get a real endorphin high and it's fun and you laugh and you're hanging out with your friends."
- MB, interview in The Age


“The winning combination of exercise (enough to break into a sweat), beer and the lively presence of the noughties very own go-go queen, Anna Go-go, is enough to make me want to etch this evening permanently into my calendar.” -
Jayne D’Arcy, The Age M Magazine


“I found that (Anna) engenders a completely unintimidating, social environment …the class I attended had a good wide range of participants, even a man, .. I've never been to such a giggly class! There is no pressure to be good or even right, making it easy to pick up the cool moves and the ginchy vibe …My experience of this dance class is that it's like being invited to a high-enegry party, at which you'll be taken care of by the hostess with the mostest! …Anna expresses a desire to "amass a go-go army" and by the end of the class I believed she could!” - Lola McMillan, Melbourne Stage Online


For bookings and further information contact Anna by sending an email to
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